Examining arrangements for sending off Most prominent Prophet Football Tournament in Capital Secretariat

SANA’A meeting at the Adolescent and Sports Office in Capital Secretariat talked about on Saturday the plans for the Rasul Al-Azam football tournament, which is planned to be sent off toward the start of Rabiul Awwal to praise the Prophet’s introduction to the world Muhammad (PBUH) commemoration.

During the gathering, the head of the workplace, Abdullah Obeid, lauded the connection of the clubs to show bliss and celebrate in the Prophet’s introduction to the world commemoration, communicating the blessedness of this event in the hearts of the Yemeni public, calling attention to the significance of holding such rivalries and sports exercises in leveling up the abilities of competitors.

As far as concerns him, the Appointee Head of the Adolescent and Sports Office, Zaid Jahaf, said that these contests come surprisingly close to the workplace’s needs in focusing on the young and competitors, fostering their capacities, as well as teaching and bringing issues to light of the significance of commending this extraordinary event.

Rajeh Al-Qadami, top of the Overall Football League in the Secretariat, checked on the specialized perspectives , tournament guidelines and the arrangements and plans level to make it a triumph.